Fraser Penny

Hi, If we haven't met yet, I'm Fraser Penny, Director of Wastewater Systems Servicing. 

My awesome partner (Janine) who is helping me build my website said I needed to write about myself. The first thought that popped into my head is that I'd rather be out servicing a system!

My work history is vast and varied, but it has always come back to a love of people, from all walks of life, 
My friends and family know me as Mac Gyver - mostly because of my problem solving abilities. My daughter (Jasmine), who has a love of dance, is currently working as an Occupational Therapist.

Many years ago I became Chairman of an organisation helping parents through separation with the importance of putting their children first, I dedicated 10 years of making a difference for the next generation. My main role, apart from being Chairman was counselling parents and networking with many community groups, this path then led to me becoming a Lifeline Counsellor, a passion I continued for four years. During this period I was also a Totalspan contractor, building many garages, barns and farm utility workshops and buildings throughout the Waikato area.

Seven ago I became an accredited wastewater system service technician. Servicing a cross section of over 300 systems. Six years ago for stability and professional reasons, I went out on my own and haven't looked back. I have been given the 'thumbs up' from leading manufacturers in this sector, to be their go-to person.  

Seven years ago I completed Landmark Forum - a Personal & Professional Development Program and later became a course supervisor. As part of the training, “ I got it” informed communication makes a huge difference, something I pride myself on and something I know my clients appreciate.

So if the s*#t hits the fan, or you're up the creek without a paddle, I'll go out of my way to be there ASAP and get your system going again. 



When people make a difference in other people’s lives, help each other.

An area I/we will work on again in the near future.
I see the need for those who have been there for others in ‘lead roles’ and made themselves door mats to help others, now hitting the wall.

Sitting around like this and taking time out for reflection, honest non-judgmental talk, a retreat so to speak. ‘tough as nails’ can be positive, when worded as “ tough as nails talk’.

Watch this space!!

While helping others we had our own ‘falling apart’ moment.

Scars on the land, scars on lives.

HB Cyclone & Flooding 2023


​Adaptable - making things work 
- thinking outside the square and problem solving solutions
- good as my word and can be counted on
- “Without integrity nothing works”
- delivering exceptional service, every time, going the extra mile.